Fintech Development Outsourcing Guideline for Executives

fintech software development outsourcing guideline

Introduction to Fintech Software Outsourcing

Whether you are the CTO, IT Director at a fintech enterprise, IT executive in a small or medium-sized fintech company, or a fintech start-up owner, doubts about hiring internal staff versus outsourcing the entire development team are common across all levels.

Fintech software outsourcing involves engaging a third-party company, such as a mobile or web application development outsourcing firm, to handle specific fintech projects instead of relying on internal teams. This approach saves money and time and provides access to skilled and experienced developers. It is a widely adopted tactic for fintech companies to develop new software and applications or enhance their existing digital products, such as mobile apps, online banking platforms, and legacy systems, to stay competitive in the fintech industry.

The global outsourcing market was valued at $92.5 billion in 2019, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% from 2020 to 2027. The business process outsourcing market was valued at $466 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $655 billion by 2028. Overall spending on outsourcing reached over $700 billion in 2022, with businesses increasingly leveraging external partners to access specialized skills and reduce costs (TeamStage).

Benefits of Fintech Development Outsourcing

There are several key advantages for fintech companies choosing to outsource fintech software development. Let's evaluate them point by point.

Specialized Skills and Technology Access

Fintech software outsourcing offers access to specialized skills and cutting-edge technology. Companies often specialize in specific fintech technologies, tailoring their expertise to excel in particular domains. For example, we specialize in blockchain consulting and full-stack JavaScript development at Mobile Reality, leveraging frameworks like ReactJS, VueJS, NodeJS, and React Native.

Outsourcing companies stay updated with the latest technological advancements and trends, ensuring their teams possess the skills and industry knowledge crucial for delivering contemporary and competitive fintech applications. This enhances the quality and relevance of fintech software development projects, minimizing the technology gap in financial software products.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing fintech software development projects can lead to substantial cost savings compared to hiring developers locally in high-wage markets like the United States and Western Europe. The average hourly rate for a mobile app developer in the US ranges from $100 to $200, while in Western Europe, rates typically range from $90 to $150. In contrast, regions like Eastern Europe and Asia offer highly skilled development talent at significantly lower rates, with hourly rates in Eastern Europe between $40 to $90 and in India from $15 to $75.

When extended to a complete fintech software development project, the cost contrast can result in significant savings of 50-80% in certain circumstances. For more details on the benefits of outsourcing fintech software development, check our article on Onshore vs Offshore vs Nearshore Software Development Outsourcing.

Project Kick-off and Scalability

Creating an internal fintech software development team can take a considerable amount of time. Advertising and filling job vacancies may take months, while fintech software development outsourcing companies are usually prepared to take on new projects relatively quickly. For instance, at Mobile Reality, we can start new projects within two weeks of receiving the request.

Moreover, fintech development outsourcing provides flexibility and scalability. At Mobile Reality, we offer various resourcing models to meet client's needs, adjusting developer capacity based on demand. This flexibility allows us to scale teams up or down, depending on the project's progress and requirements, ensuring efficient use of resources and timely delivery.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing fintech software development allows companies to concentrate on their core competencies. By entrusting the technical complexities and nuances of fintech software development to specialized firms like Mobile Reality, companies can redirect their focus and resources towards areas where they excel, such as innovation, market expansion, or customer relations. This delegation ensures high-quality fintech software development while freeing up valuable time and resources for the client company.

How to Choose the Right Fintech Software Development Outsourcing Partner?

Selecting the right fintech software development services to deliver desired mobile, web, or cloud applications requires rigorous evaluation covering several considerations, from technical competencies to data protections and pricing models.

Technical Expertise and Experience

Assessing an app development agency's technical expertise and experience is pivotal. At Mobile Reality, we pride ourselves on our fintech and proptech expertise, advanced skills in blockchain technology, and comprehensive proficiency in full-stack JavaScript development. Verify these claims by reviewing the company's portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies.

Consider agencies with different specializations. Some might excel in AI-driven fintech solutions, while others could have a strong background in healthcare platform apps or e-commerce app development. The key is to identify an agency whose strengths align with your project’s specific requirements and whose portfolio and client feedback corroborate their expertise.

Design and Development Quality

Evaluating design and development quality is crucial. At Mobile Reality, we emphasize the importance of user experience, functionality, and application robustness. Initial fintech product development workshops are an excellent opportunity to validate a vendor's design skills and development quality. These workshops provide a collaborative environment to conceptualize ideas and form strategies.

Quality Assurance (QA) is equally important. A dedicated QA team that is well-versed in testing fintech applications and digital platforms is essential. Our QA team employs a comprehensive testing strategy covering everything from basic functionality to complex user scenarios, ensuring that the final product is not only bug-free but also delivers a seamless and engaging user experience.

Additionally, maintaining high code quality is essential for successful software development projects. For more on ensuring code quality, explore our article on Software Code Quality Metrics.

Communication and Accountability

Effective communication and accountability are crucial in fintech software outsourcing partnerships. Evaluate the level of communication skills during initial conversations. Transparent and frequent communication prevents misunderstandings and aligns goals. At Mobile Reality, we conduct daily stand-up meetings and biweekly project reviews to discuss milestones, shifts in priorities, risks, and action items.

Data Security Measures

Understanding a company's data security measures is crucial. Look for advanced storage protections, robust encryption mechanisms, and secure data transmission protocols. Access restrictions and user permission systems ensure that sensitive data is accessible only to authorized personnel. A well-structured backup system is vital for efficient data recovery.

Familiarity with relevant data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA, is essential. At Mobile Reality, we assist our clients in ensuring compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC2 regulations and procedures.

Pricing Models and Rates

Different pricing models are offered by fintech software development companies, such as:

  • Project-based or fixed-price model

  • Dedicated developer teams or team augmentation model

  • Time and material model

Verify rate cards for various software development roles and check if the outsourcing company is within your budget. Taking a thoughtful approach is important to avoid pitfalls in partnerships and projects.

Fintech Software Outsourcing Models

Various engagement models are available for IT executives to consider when outsourcing development. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, which should be carefully evaluated to determine the right model for your project needs, budget, timeline, and business goals.

Project-Based or Fixed-Price Model

This model involves a third-party provider handling deliverables per project scope and specifications. This approach helps provide clear cost expectations and reduces the chance of surprise fees. However, fixed-scope projects can limit creativity, and adjusting priorities throughout the development process can incur additional costs. To dive deeper into the differences between project-based and fixed-price models, read our article on T&M vs. Fixed Price.

Dedicated Developer Teams or Team Augmentation Model

Hiring specialists for long-term roles who integrate with the company's development teams can enhance performance and overcome obstacles. This model provides temporary access to skilled workers, ensuring consistent results at reasonable prices. It is ideal for applications that are important for your business but require a significant investment.

Time and Material Model

This model allows companies to pay for what they need every month, enabling variable costs based on needs. It accommodates changes but requires proper governance to prevent projects from inflating beyond expectations.

Are you looking for software provider for your fintech system and financial services?

As Mobile Reality we deeply specialize in the financial industry and fintech solutions. We provide our Clients with end-to-end fintech software development services. Don't hesitate to contact us.
CEO of Mobile Reality
Matt Sadowski
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Key Aspects of Application Development Outsourcing

Product Design Collaboration

Early product design collaboration is instrumental for translating strategic vision into intuitive, user-centric fintech application experiences. The outsource app development team must partner on conceptualizing key features aligned to primary use cases, mapping out detailed information architecture and interaction models for clean UI/UX design. Ongoing involvement through app development sprints is crucial for desired outcomes.

Project Scoping and Planning

Effective scoping and planning minimize risks associated with quality, timelines, and budget. Break down project requirements into detailed feature sets and user stories. Conduct precise sizing estimates and align on the most suitable technology stack. Finalize outsourcing team structure, cost, pricing models, and project management workflows early in the process.

Ongoing Communication and Updates

Maintaining consistent and effective communication is pivotal in outsourced app development. Conduct daily stand-up meetings and biweekly project reviews. Implement strategic tollgates for demoing software functionality and schedule regular peer code reviews.

Quality Assurance Testing

Quality assurance testing conducted by seasoned professionals is crucial for delivering outstanding end-user experiences. Functional testing ensures the software's behavior aligns with specifications. Test automation suites efficiently perform responsiveness, compliance, and regression testing. Set frequent checkpoints to identify and rectify defects throughout the app development cycle. For more insights into effective QA practices, check out our detailed article on QA for Software Development.

Intellectual Property Rights

Defining software licensing, IP ownership, data rights, and confidentiality commitments at the onset of an outsourcing contract sets clear permissions governing asset usage. Ensure scope covers custom code authorship, third-party integration rights, and handling of sensitive data. Enforce info security controls and demand regular audits to mitigate risks and ensure full control over application innovation.

Managing Fintech Software Development Outsourcing

Provide Detailed Specifications

Align outsourced software application development projects with accurate product specifications to minimize miscommunications. Capture small nuances, annotate critical details, and over-communicate business rules or data considerations. Itemize every external system integration touchpoint to account for disproportionate efforts.

Set Realistic Timelines

Enforce planning rigor through work breakdown structures analyzing each functional module's needs. Demand historical data benchmarking similar modules builds complexity. Accommodate adequate time for reviews, user acceptance testing, and staging deployments.

Control Scope Creep

Manage change controls by requiring proposed enhancements or new feature requests to go through a structured evaluation process. Demand revised estimates detailing impacts on budgets and resources before approvals. Limit unplanned work items to balance business priorities transparently.

Define Milestones and Approvals

Institute measurable progress milestones by assessing developed software functionality to match specifications. Build testing checkpoints, ensuring staging deployments meet stability, load thresholds, and compliance standards. Tie payments to the completion of test milestones and release candidate approvals.

Additional Aspects of Fintech Software Outsourcing

Regulatory Compliance and Security

In the fintech industry, adhering to regulatory compliance is paramount. Outsourcing partners must ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. Robust security measures, including encryption, secure data transmission, and regular security audits, are essential to protect sensitive financial data. Choosing a fintech outsourcing partner with a deep understanding of these compliance requirements is crucial for maintaining regulatory standards and safeguarding customer information.

Innovation and Latest Technologies

Outsourcing partners can help fintech companies adopt cutting-edge technologies like AI, blockchain, and machine learning, essential for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving fintech landscape. Continuous innovation is crucial, and outsourcing enables fintech companies to leverage the latest advancements and fintech trends in technology, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the financial industry.

Customer Experience and User Interface

Creating user-friendly interfaces and exceptional customer experiences is vital for fintech applications. Outsourcing partners can bring external expertise in user-centric design, ensuring the fintech solution meets user expectations through thorough usability testing and iterative design improvements.

Integration with Legacy Systems

Integrating new fintech solutions with existing legacy systems can be challenging. Experienced outsourcing partners can ensure seamless integration, enhancing operational efficiency and modernizing legacy systems without disrupting business processes.

Risk Management

Outsourcing helps mitigate various risks associated with software development, such as project delays, budget overruns, and technical challenges. Thorough risk assessments and contingency plans are essential for successful fintech software development.

Scalability and Flexibility

Fintech software outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale development efforts based on market demands and business needs. An agile development process allows for quick adaptation to changes, enabling the rapid launch of new features and financial services.

Performance and Reliability

High-performing, reliable fintech applications are essential for handling large volumes of transactions securely and efficiently. Continuous testing and maintenance by outsourcing partners ensure the reliability and robustness of fintech software.

Global Talent Pool

Outsourcing provides access to a global talent pool of developers with diverse skill sets and experiences. Managing cultural differences and time zone challenges is crucial for effective collaboration and communication, ensuring successful project outcomes.

Custom Software Solutions

Custom fintech software development tailored to specific business needs offers significant advantages over off-the-shelf software. Ideal outsourcing partner can provide innovative solutions that align perfectly with a company's requirements, enhancing operational efficiency and competitiveness.

Sustainability and Long-term Partnership

Building long-term partnerships with fintech development services providers is essential for sustained success. Emphasizing sustainable practices in fintech software development, including environmental considerations, ensures responsible growth and long-term benefits.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Including real-world examples of fintech companies successfully outsourcing their software development provides valuable insights. Highlighting key takeaways and lessons from these examples can guide other fintech companies' outsourcing journey.

Challenges in Fintech Software Development

Fintech software development presents several challenges that can hinder progress if not managed effectively. One significant issue is the integration of fintech applications with existing legacy systems. Many financial institutions rely on outdated systems that are not easily compatible with modern fintech solutions. External vendors with expertise in fintech development can facilitate seamless integration, ensuring new software works harmoniously with existing infrastructure, thus preserving valuable data and functionality while modernizing the fintech web system.

Another common problem is the rapid pace of technological change in the fintech industry. Staying current with the latest technologies, tools, and trends requires constant learning and adaptation, which can be resource-intensive for in-house teams. Outsourcing partners are typically at the forefront of technological advancements, offering fintech companies access to cutting-edge innovations such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. By leveraging these technologies, external vendors can help fintech companies create more sophisticated, secure, and user-friendly applications.

Lastly, fintech companies often face scalability challenges. As user bases grow, the demand for software performance increases, requiring robust, scalable solutions to handle large volumes of transactions without compromising speed or security. Building such scalable solutions in-house can be daunting and expensive. External vendors bring experience developing scalable fintech applications that can grow with the company, ensuring consistent performance and reliability even as demand increases. This flexibility and scalability are crucial for fintech startups and established financial service providers looking to expand their offerings and user base.


Outsourcing fintech software development offers numerous benefits, from cost efficiency and specialized skills to innovation and scalability. Fintech companies can achieve successful and sustainable growth by carefully selecting the right fintech software development outsourcing partner and considering essential aspects like regulatory compliance, security, and customer experience. A strategic approach with efficiency in mind will lead to higher profits and innovative fintech solutions.

Fintech and Financial Software Development Insights

Are you intrigued by the rapidly evolving world of fintech and financial software development? At Mobile Reality, we take pride in our extensive knowledge and experience in this dynamic field. We navigate complex challenges, implement innovative strategies, and develop groundbreaking solutions in fintech. Our carefully curated selection of articles offers in-depth perspectives on key aspects of fintech and financial software development:

Explore these comprehensive resources to deepen your understanding of the fintech sector. If you have any questions or are interested in exploring partnership opportunities in fintech software development, please contact our sales team. For those aspiring to join our innovative team, visit our careers page to submit your CV. Join us in driving the future of fintech and financial software development!

Updated at02.08.2024
Published at05.01.2024
Matt Sadowski
Matt Sadowski

CEO @ Custom Software Development Expert

Marcin Sadowski
Marcin Sadowski

CTO @ JS and Web3 Expert

Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Fintech Software Outsourcing
  2. Additional Aspects of Fintech Software Outsourcing
  3. Challenges in Fintech Software Development
  4. Conclusion

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Matt Sadowski

CEO of Mobile Reality

CEO of Mobile Reality

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