Why is Code Quality Important in Software Development for Business?

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Maintaining high-quality code is crucial, especially in large projects with a long history. Measurability and determination of software code quality metrics ensure that fintech, proptech, or blockchain solutions are reliable, maintainable, and efficient. This article focuses on the critical aspects of code quality, the metrics that matter, and how to monitor them rather than delving into specific coding practices like spacing around brackets.

What is Code Quality?

Code quality refers to the attributes that define the efficiency, readability, and maintainability of source code. While there's no precise definition, experienced developers often rely on a blend of subjective and objective quality metrics to assess the quality of the codebase. One popular principle is KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!), emphasizing simplicity and clarity. However, quality code goes beyond simplicity, encompassing several key properties:


High-quality code is easy to understand, even without additional documentation or comments. This makes the code more accessible to developers, facilitating easier code reviews and collaboration, especially in complex fintech, proptech, and blockchain projects.


Well-structured code allows for easy modifications, whether changing configurations or updating platforms. This maintainability is often measured using metrics like the maintainability index, which helps developers gauge how easily code can be maintained over time. This contributes to the overall reliability of the software and results in reliable code.


Good quality code supports the addition of new functionality without disrupting existing features. This is crucial for long-term software projects, particularly in fast-evolving fields like fintech, proptech, and blockchain, where scalability and flexibility are key.


Quality code can be handed off to other developers with minimal difficulty, ensuring continuity in the development process. This is particularly important in team environments where code may need to be understood and modified by multiple developers, especially in specialized industries like fintech and proptech.

Test Coverage in Code Quality

Test coverage is a critical metric for ensuring code reliability. The higher the percentage of code covered by tests, the lower the risk of introducing bugs during development. Tools like SonarQube can help measure code coverage and highlight areas that need more testing, which is vital in sectors like fintech, where security and accuracy are paramount.

Compliance with Code Quality Standards

Establishing and adhering to coding standards is vital for ensuring consistent quality across the codebase. These standards can be borrowed from established guidelines like Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide or tailored to fit a company's specific needs, especially in specialized industries like blockchain, where specific security protocols may be necessary. The goal is to minimize syntactic errors and improve overall code readability and maintainability.

Syntactic Rules

These rules cover naming conventions, brace styles, and other syntactic aspects. While they may seem trivial, they play a significant role in making code more readable and maintainable.

Code Support Rules

Metrics like cyclomatic complexity and the presence of "magic numbers" can indicate how maintainable code is. High code complexity can make code harder to manage and more error-prone, which is particularly risky in fintech and blockchain applications where precision and stability are crucial.

Code Cleaning and Optimization

This involves removing unused variables, methods, and imports, which can otherwise clutter the codebase and reduce maintainability.

Key Software Code Quality Metrics

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code. A higher complexity value indicates a more intricate and potentially error-prone code structure. This metric is crucial for identifying areas where the code might benefit from simplification. Ideally, cyclomatic complexity should be kept low, often below a threshold of 10 for individual methods. This helps reduce the cognitive load on developers and makes the code easier to test and maintain.

By analyzing cyclomatic complexity, development teams can pinpoint overly complex sections of code and refactor them to improve maintainability and readability. Lowering complexity can also enhance the code's testability, making it easier to achieve comprehensive test coverage.


Code duplication can lead to increased maintenance overhead and a higher risk of bugs. Duplicates can be measured as the ratio of duplicate lines to total lines of code. Identifying and eliminating duplicate code not only streamlines the codebase but also reduces the potential for inconsistencies and errors. Duplicates often arise when similar functionalities are implemented in multiple places, leading to a fragmented codebase that is challenging to manage.

To address this issue, developers can refactor duplicated code into reusable functions or modules. This practice improves code quality and enhances the application's modularity and scalability, making future development more efficient.


Commenting is a contentious topic, but it plays a vital role in documenting the purpose and functionality of code, especially public methods. Comprehensive code documentation, including metrics like the ratio of comments to code and the percentage of commented public methods, can help gauge the level of detail and clarity provided. Metrics like the ratio of comments to code and the percentage of commented public methods can help gauge the level of documentation. Effective comments provide context and explanations not immediately obvious from the code itself, aiding other developers in understanding and modifying the code.

However, it's important to strike a balance; over-commenting can clutter the code and obscure its functionality. Ideally, comments should clarify the "why" behind certain coding decisions rather than reiterate the "what" the code already expresses.

Test Coverage

Test coverage metrics are crucial for assessing the reliability of the code. They can include file coverage, class coverage, method coverage, and line coverage. Achieving high test coverage helps ensure that code changes do not introduce new bugs and helps reduce the number of bugs in the software. It is important to prioritize coverage of critical paths and core functionalities to maximize the effectiveness of testing efforts.

Key metrics like branch coverage, which measures whether each possible path through a code branch has been executed, can provide deeper insights into the thoroughness of testing. Striving for comprehensive test coverage ensures that the codebase is robust and that potential issues are identified early in the development process.

How Code Quality Impacts End-User Software?

High code quality directly impacts the end-user experience and the overall success of software products. Quality code enhances the reliability and stability of software, reducing the likelihood of crashes and bugs that can frustrate users. It also improves performance, as well-written code is often more efficient, leading to faster load times and smoother interactions.

Moreover, code quality affects the scalability and flexibility of software. Well-structured code can be easily extended and modified to accommodate new features or changes in requirements, ensuring that the software can grow alongside the business. This is particularly important in dynamic industries like fintech, proptech, and blockchain, where rapid adaptation is key to staying competitive.

Poor code quality, on the other hand, can lead to technical debt, where the cost of maintaining and fixing code increases over time. High code churn, or frequent changes to the code, can exacerbate these issues, leading to instability and a higher likelihood of bugs. For end-users, this translates to a subpar user experience, with frequent updates and patches required to address issues.

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Matt Sadowski
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Mobile Reality's Commitment to Code Quality

At Mobile Reality, we prioritize high code quality in all our projects. We adhere to strict coding standards and perform regular code reviews to ensure compliance and maintainability. Our commitment to quality extends to our open-source projects, which are available on our GitHub profile. Here, you can see the code quality measures we implement, including rigorous testing, comprehensive documentation, and adherence to best practices.

Our open-source contributions are a testament to our dedication to delivering high-quality, reliable software. We encourage other developers to explore our repositories, utilize our projects, and contribute to their improvement. This collaborative approach not only enhances the quality of our software but also helps the broader developer community achieve higher standards.

Integrating Code Quality Checks in CI/CD Processes

Incorporating code quality checks into Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is essential for maintaining high standards across software development projects, particularly in specialized fields like fintech, proptech, and blockchain. By automating these checks, teams can ensure consistent code quality and reduce the likelihood of introducing errors into the codebase. Bitbucket pipelines provide an excellent platform for integrating such automated checks, including linting with ESLint, a popular tool for identifying and fixing issues in JavaScript code.

Bitbucket Pipelines and ESLint Configuration

Bitbucket pipelines allow developers to automate various CI/CD process stages, from testing and building to deployment. Integrating ESLint into Bitbucket pipelines helps maintain a consistent code style and quality. ESLint is a static code analysis tool highlighting potential errors, stylistic issues, and deviations from coding standards.

To set up ESLint in a Bitbucket pipeline, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install ESLint: First, add ESLint to your project by running npm install eslint --save-dev. You can also include specific ESLint configurations or plugins tailored to your project's needs. At Mobile Reality, we use our own ESLint configuration, which you can find in our eslint-config GitHub repository.

  2. Configure ESLint: Create an .eslintrc file in your project root to define your linting rules. This configuration can include rules for code style, best practices, and potential error detection. For example, you can enforce consistent indentation, require semicolons, or disallow unused variables. You can also extend Mobile Reality's ESLint configuration to ensure consistency with our standards.

    Example .eslintrc file:

      "extends": "mobile-reality",
      "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "es6": true
      "rules": {
        "indent": ["error", 2],
        "linebreak-style": ["error", "unix"],
        "quotes": ["error", "double"],
        "semi": ["error", "always"]

  3. Integrate ESLint into Bitbucket Pipelines: In your Bitbucket repository, configure the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file to include a step for running ESLint. This setup ensures that linting is part of the build process, catching issues early and enforcing coding standards.

    Example bitbucket-pipelines.yml configuration:

        - step:
            name: Lint Code
              - node
              - npm install
              - npm run lint

    Here, npm run lint runs the ESLint checks based on the rules defined in your .eslintrc file. If any issues are found, the pipeline will fail, prompting developers to address the problems before the code can be merged or deployed.

  4. Review and Address Issues: Integrating ESLint into your CI/CD pipeline provides immediate feedback on code quality. Developers can review the detailed linting reports generated during the pipeline run, highlighting areas of the code that need improvement.

Benefits of Automated Code Quality Checks

Integrating automated code quality checks, such as those provided by ESLint in Bitbucket pipelines, offers several benefits:

  • Consistency: Enforces consistent coding standards across the team, reducing code style and practice discrepancies.

  • Early Detection: Identifies potential issues early in the development process, minimizing the cost and effort required to fix them later.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the review process by automatically highlighting common issues, allowing reviewers to focus on more complex aspects of the code.

  • Improved Codebase: Regular linting and adherence to coding standards improve the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase, making it easier to extend and modify.

At Mobile Reality, we leverage Bitbucket pipelines and tools like ESLint to ensure our code quality remains high. This automated approach helps us maintain a robust and reliable codebase, which is critical for delivering high-quality software solutions to our clients. Our open-source projects on GitHub, including our eslint-config repository, reflect these best practices, providing transparent and accessible examples of our commitment to quality.


Maintaining high code quality is essential for the success of software projects. The metrics discussed here, including cyclomatic complexity, test coverage, and code duplication, are vital for assessing and improving code quality. Automating these assessments through static code analysis tools can significantly enhance the overall quality and reliability of the software.

Quality Assurance and Software Testing Insights

In the rapidly evolving field of software development, Quality Assurance (QA) plays a pivotal role in ensuring product reliability and user satisfaction. At Mobile Reality, we delve deep into the nuances of QA, offering you a wealth of knowledge through our comprehensive articles. Explore our detailed articles that cover various aspects of software testing and quality assurance in mobile and web development:

These resources are crafted to enhance your understanding of QA methodologies and best practices. If you want to improve your QA processes or need expert consultation, don't hesitate to contact our sales team. For those looking to join a dynamic team dedicated to excellence in software quality, check out our career opportunities on our careers page. Join us in our pursuit of top-tier software quality and innovation!

Updated at02.08.2024
Published at20.03.2024
Marcin Sadowski
Marcin Sadowski

CTO @ JS and Web3 Expert

Stanislav Naborshchikov
Stanislav Naborshchikov

Solutions Specialist

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Code Quality Impacts End-User Software?
  3. Mobile Reality's Commitment to Code Quality
  4. Conclusion

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Matt Sadowski

CEO of Mobile Reality

CEO of Mobile Reality

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