BusinessDeep Dive into AML and KYC Practices in Fintech Apps

letters with financial statistics and AML & KYC text on it
Updated at15.02.2024
Published at04.07.2023
Stanislav Naborshchikov
Stanislav Naborshchikov

Solutions Specialist

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. KYC meaning
  3. What is AML
  4. Fintech security issues
  5. Understanding AML
  6. Understanding KYC
  7. KYC & AML legal regulations
  8. KYC & AML role in fintech
  9. Conclusion
  10. KYC and AML apps ranking

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In the rapidly evolving world of fintech, where financial transactions are increasingly shifting towards digital platforms, ensuring the safety and security of user information has become paramount. One of the key strategies employed by fintech apps to combat financial crimes and protect users is the implementation of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) practices, also known as "KYC AML" or "AML KYC." This article takes a deep dive into the significance of AML and KYC in fintech apps, exploring how these practices, commonly referred to as "anti money laundering," contribute to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for financial transactions.

KYC meaning

KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) are vital terms in the rapidly evolving world of fintech and financial services. KYC meaning refers to the process through which financial institutions and fintech apps verify and gather essential information about their customers to establish their identities and assess potential risks associated with them. On the other hand, AML, or anti-money laundering, is a set of regulations and practices designed to prevent and detect financial crimes, particularly money laundering and terrorist financing. By combining "kyc aml" or "aml kyc" practices, fintech apps create a robust defense against illicit activities. KYC and AML measures help in not only safeguarding the integrity of financial transactions but also in ensuring the security of user information. With the integration of "anti-money laundering" practices, fintech apps can maintain a secure and trustworthy environment, fostering confidence among users and regulators alike about the safety of digital financial platforms. Understanding "kyc meaning" and "what is aml" is crucial for all stakeholders to grasp the importance of these practices and their role in creating a secure and compliant fintech ecosystem.

What is AML

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) is a crucial concept in the world of finance and fintech. The question "what is AML" refers to the framework of regulations, policies, and procedures that financial institutions and fintech apps implement to prevent and detect illegal activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing. Money laundering involves disguising the origins of illegally obtained funds to make them appear legitimate, while terrorist financing involves providing financial support to terrorist organizations or activities. To combat these financial crimes effectively, KYC AML practices focus on identifying and reporting suspicious transactions, monitoring customer activities, and conducting due diligence during the onboarding process. By integrating "kyc and aml" or "aml kyc" practices, fintech apps can bolster their defenses against illicit activities, ensuring the safety and security of their platforms. Understanding "what is AML" is essential for both financial institutions and users to appreciate the significance of these measures in maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for financial transactions. By adhering to KYC AML guidelines and incorporating "anti-money laundering" practices, fintech apps can contribute to a robust and compliant financial ecosystem.

Fintech security issues

Despite the persistent efforts to prioritize cybersecurity trends in enterprises for over a decade, the frequency of cybersecurity attacks has escalated significantly, particularly in recent years across various industries. Cybercriminals are advancing their malicious objectives through increasingly sophisticated techniques, capitalizing on the rapid digital transformation underway in businesses.

According to Ivana Vojinovic of Data Prot, a staggering 70% of small businesses remain ill-prepared to confront emerging threats, while an alarming 88% of experienced unethical hackers possess the ability to infiltrate organizations within a mere 12-hour timeframe. The cumulative financial toll inflicted by cybercrimes in 2022 amounted to a staggering USD 6 trillion. Citing data compiled from multiple sources, Vojinovic also projected that over 33 billion accounts could potentially suffer breaches by the end of 2023. While the accuracy of these predictions remains uncertain, they undoubtedly serve as a wake-up call for enterprises, urging them to urgently enhance their security posture.

Source: AiteNovarica

The necessity for innovative solutions has become increasingly apparent, leading to a substantial increase in IT and fintech security budgets in both the private and public sectors. Consequently, the field of cybersecurity has emerged as the fastest-growing sector within the realm of IT. As per Gartner, global spending on cybersecurity nearly reached $76.1 billion in 2015, and this figure is surged to $170 billion in 2020. These statistics undeniably highlight the paramount importance of ensuring the security of your fintech business and financial services providers. 

The repercussions of falling victim to a cybercrime are severe, ranging from significant customer attrition and irreparable harm to the brand's reputation to onerous legal and financial liabilities that may prove insurmountable. Safeguarding your financial services and fintech business has become an absolute imperative in today's landscape.

Understanding AML

AML, which stands for Anti-Money Laundering, is a set of regulations, practices, and procedures aimed at preventing and combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit financial activities. It is a critical component of the global effort to maintain the integrity of the financial system and prevent criminals from using it for illicit purposes.

Money laundering involves the process of concealing the true origin of illicit funds and making them appear legitimate. It allows criminals to profit from illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, corruption, fraud, and organized crime, by integrating the illicit funds into the legal economy.

AML regulations are implemented by governments and regulatory bodies worldwide, requiring financial institutions, including banks, fintech companies, and other financial intermediaries, to implement comprehensive measures to detect, prevent, and report suspicious activities that may indicate money laundering or terrorist financing.

The key objectives of AML efforts

Identify and verify the identity of customers

Financial institutions are required to establish and maintain robust procedures for customer due diligence, which involve verifying the identity of customers, assessing the nature of their activities, and understanding the sources of their funds.

Monitor and report suspicious transactions: KYC AML regulations mandate financial institutions to monitor customer transactions for suspicious activities and report them to the appropriate authorities when necessary. This includes large cash transactions, complex transactions with no apparent economic or legal purpose, and transactions involving high-risk jurisdictions or politically exposed persons.

Implement internal controls and risk management systems

In addition, financial institutions must also implement a robust and effective risk management system to address the specific challenges and threats posed by money laundering and terrorist financing. One such system that has gained significant recognition and adoption is the Integrated Risk Management system. The IRM system provides financial institutions with a comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AML activities.

The IRM system begins with a thorough risk assessment process, which involves evaluating the institution's exposure to various money laundering risks, such as customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and internal controls. Through this assessment, financial institutions can identify the specific areas that require enhanced scrutiny and allocate appropriate resources to mitigate those risks effectively.

Once the risks are identified, financial institutions can leverage advanced transaction monitoring systems integrated within the IRM system. These systems employ sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze customer transactions, detect suspicious activities, and generate alerts for further investigation. By implementing these monitoring systems, financial institutions can identify potential money laundering activities in real-time and take prompt actions to prevent illicit transactions.

Furthermore, the IRM system emphasizes the importance of ongoing staff training to ensure that employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to detect and report suspicious activities. Training programs within the IRM system provide comprehensive guidance on AML regulations, typologies of money laundering schemes, and the proper procedures for reporting suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities. Regular training sessions and updates are conducted to keep the staff well-informed about emerging AML risks and the evolving techniques used by money launderers.

The integration of the IRM system into financial institutions' operations not only strengthens their risk management frameworks but also enhances their compliance procedures with AML regulations. By diligently implementing the IRM system, financial institutions can bolster their defenses against money laundering and terrorist financing, safeguard their reputation, and maintain the integrity of the global financial system.

Cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement

AML efforts involve close collaboration between financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies. Financial institutions are expected to cooperate fully with authorities, provide necessary information, and assist in investigations related to money laundering or terrorist financing activities.

Non-compliance with KYC AML regulations can result in severe consequences, including financial penalties, reputational damage, loss of business, and even criminal prosecution for individuals involved in facilitating money laundering activities.

In 2018, the Central Bank of Brazil (Banco Central do Brasil, or BCB) took significant steps to promote financial innovation by establishing the Financial and Technological Innovations Lab (Lift). This initiative aimed to create a collaborative platform for fintech companies and the BCB to work together in advancing technological advancements in the financial sector. This important cooperation between the BCB and fintech firms was highlighted in a media article published on TechCrunch, titled "Central Bank of Brazil and Fintech Firms Join Forces to Drive Financial Innovation."

The establishment of Lift signaled the BCB's commitment to fostering an environment that encourages innovation while addressing regulatory challenges. To this end, in the same year, the BCB implemented Resolution No. 4,656, specifically designed to tackle the regulatory hurdles faced by fintech companies. This resolution aimed to strike a balance between promoting innovation and competition in the sector while ensuring consumer safety and financial stability.

Recognizing the growing concerns surrounding consumer safety in digital financial services, the World Bank conducted a comprehensive analysis in 2022. In a technical note titled "Consumer Risks in Fintech: A Global Perspective," the World Bank explored manifestations of consumer risks across various fintech products, including digital microcredit, P2P lending, investment-based crowdfunding, and e-money. The note also examined the regulatory approaches employed by different countries to effectively manage these risks.

This collaboration between the BCB and fintech companies, along with the media coverage in TechCrunch, demonstrates the concerted efforts to create an environment that promotes innovation while safeguarding the interests of consumers and ensuring financial stability. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, the BCB and fintech firms can effectively address regulatory challenges and leverage technological advancements to drive financial innovation and inclusivity in Brazil's financial sector.

Understanding KYC

Know Your Customer s a process that financial institutions and businesses undertake to verify the identity of their customers. The goal of KYC is to ensure that the individuals or entities they are dealing with are legitimate, and to prevent fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.

The KYC process

Identity Information

This includes the customer's full name, date of birth, address, nationality, and government-issued identification documents such as passports, driver's licenses, or national ID cards.

Contact Information

Customers are required to provide their contact details, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and sometimes even social media profiles.

Financial Information

Financial institutions may ask for information related to the customer's occupation, employment status, income, and source of funds. This helps assess the legitimacy of their financial activities and identify any unusual or suspicious transactions.

Risk Assessment

KYC processes often involve evaluating the risk associated with a customer or transaction. This may involve considering factors such as the customer's occupation, country of residence, and the nature of their financial activities.

KYC procedures are essential for several reasons


Financial institutions have a legal obligation to adhere to "AML and KYC" or "KYC and AML" regulations imposed by their respective jurisdictions. These robust measures are specifically designed to combat and prevent "money laundering," "terrorist financing," and other illicit activities. By implementing "anti-money laundering" and "KYC" practices, financial institutions play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and security of the financial system while contributing to a safer and more transparent environment for financial transactions.

Risk Mitigation

"KYC and AML" practices play a pivotal role in assisting financial institutions in evaluating the risks associated with customers and transactions. By gaining a deeper understanding of their customers through KYC procedures, institutions can effectively identify and manage higher-risk individuals or activities in a more targeted manner. This helps in bolstering the overall security and trustworthiness of the financial system, as it enables institutions to take proactive measures against potential threats and illicit activities.

Fraud Prevention

Through the implementation of "AML and KYC" or "KYC and AML" practices, financial institutions can verify customer identities effectively, thereby thwarting identity theft and fraudulent activities. This robust verification process serves as a powerful safeguard, protecting both the institution and its customers from potential financial losses resulting from unauthorized transactions or fraudulent schemes. By ensuring the accuracy and legitimacy of customer information, these practices create a more secure environment for conducting financial transactions, fostering trust and confidence among all stakeholders involved.

Reputation Management

Effective KYC procedures contribute to maintaining the reputation and integrity of financial institutions. Compliance with regulatory requirements demonstrates their commitment to combating financial crimes and protecting their customers.

It's important to note that KYC processes can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of financial institution or business involved. The level of due diligence required may differ based on factors such as the risk profile of the customer, the type of product or service being offered, and local regulatory requirements.

KYC laws and regulations have become increasingly complex, not only for fintech companies but also for banks and monetary service providers. These organizations must adhere to international security standards for identity verification and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. Additionally, local standards exist in nearly every country worldwide.

For instance, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has issued Anti-Money Laundering Directives that serve as the foundation for EU legislation and supersede national practices. In the United States, the Patriot Act of 2001 tightened the KYC requirements initially established in the Bank Secrecy Act.

KYC procedures can vary significantly based on factors such as the client's nature (individual, corporation) and the financial service provider's business model. In response to events like the Panama Papers, the 4th EU Directive introduced greater transparency regarding beneficial ownership in business relationships. This elevated KYC to a new level, necessitating the understanding of the customer's customer (KYCC). However, clients engaging in small transactions may encounter less stringent KYC requirements.

PSD2 (Payment Service Directive 2) and KYC are relevant in Europe. PSD2, implemented by the European Commission in 2015, primarily affects banks and payment service providers. It facilitated open banking by allowing customers to authorize their banks to share account data with third-party providers of financial services. Simultaneously, third-party companies must register as Payment Initiation or Account Information Service Providers (PISPs and AISPs), including internet giants entering the market with their own payment applications.

All these aspects of KYC contribute to the regulatory challenges faced by financial companies on a daily basis. Compliance is crucial as financial institutions can be held accountable for misuse of their services that violate AML regulations. The same level of compliance is expected from fintech companies.

AML which we’ve already told you about above is the broader regulatory field encompassing KYC. Its purpose is to prevent the generation of illicit financial income. AML has been a significant factor in international banking law since the establishment of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 1989. AML legislation has undergone significant overhauls, with increased focus on terrorist financing after 9/11 and expanding regulations following the 2008 financial crisis. The rise of digital banking and payments has also necessitated addressing AML standards for cryptocurrency transactions.

CFT (Combating the Financing of Terrorism) is a subset of AML and specifically focuses on measures to prevent the funding of terrorism, whether domestically or internationally. It became a compliance requirement for fintech companies, financial services providers, and various financial institutions following the 9/11 attacks and subsequent efforts by the FATF. Countries increasingly adopt CFT rules due to practices such as "naming and shaming," where the FATF publicly identifies countries that fail to actively prevent terrorist financing. Membership in that list is undesirable for countries with international economic ambitions.

KYC & AML role in fintech

In the fintech industry, KYC and AML processes play crucial roles in ensuring regulatory compliance and combating financial crimes. Fintech companies are subject to the same KYC and AML obligations as traditional financial institutions. 

The primary roles of KYC and AML in fintech

Identity Verification

KYC processes help verify the identity of customers to prevent fraudulent activities, identity theft, and unauthorized access to financial services.

Risk Assessment

Through KYC and AML procedures, fintech companies assess the level of risk associated with their customers and transactions, enabling them to implement appropriate risk mitigation measures.

Compliance with Regulations

Fintech firms must comply with KYC and AML regulations to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities. Failure to comply can lead to legal and reputational consequences.


In conclusion, the significance of "AML and KYC" or "KYC and AML" practices in fintech apps cannot be overstated when it comes to safeguarding the financial interests of both users and institutions. Through rigorous "AML KYC" procedures and the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, fintech companies can effectively mitigate the risks associated with "money laundering," "fraud," and "identity theft." These "anti-money laundering" and "KYC" measures not only instill trust among users but also ensure regulatory compliance, establishing fintech apps as a secure and reliable platform for conducting financial transactions. Understanding the "KYC meaning" and "what is AML" is vital for grasping the crucial role these practices play in fostering a safer and more transparent fintech ecosystem.

KYC and AML apps ranking

If you are interested in developing a fintech app that will need advanced KYC and AML modules and verification process don't hesitate to check out our ranking of TOP 10 KYC & AML software companies.

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